Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Here are the Colson kids. Trust me, they are crazy! They all got new pj's and are hamming it up for the camera.

It's a Mircale!!!

Well, I know that most people probably won't consider this a miracle, but trust me it is. I actually created this blog all by myself. I clicked and continued until it was done and Bobby didn't even have to help me once. Frequently, I need help when technology is involved because I tend to do alot of unnecessary clicking.

I was inspired to do this today because my very nice friend posted a video of Abigail singing while being accompanied by her daughter. I missed the live performance. I was at the dentist and when I got home and checked my messages there was one from Abigail reminding me that she was singing today in class. Of course I felt like the worst mother in the world. (Don't think too badly of me. Today I baked 40 chicken legs for Sam's class, volunteered during Calvin's library time, tracked Abigail down at school to beg for her forgiveness, and then returned to Sam's class to watch a class production for "The Prince and the Pauper". Not to mention, I have lost count of how many soccer games I attended last week and have 3 more to attend this week plus one really, really long gymnastics meet. Really, I am not a slacker.)

I am not a scrapbooker. I don't keep a journal. I don't send Christmas cards. I am thinking that maybe this blog thing is a way for me to kind of make up for all that. So here it goes. Hopefully, the novelty won't wear off any time too soon and this won't be my first and last post.